Cleaning on Monday or cleaning on Friday?
I love this subject! I receive a lot of different responses to the question "What is the best day of the week for cleaning?"
It seems if I'm talking to a man, the best day would be Monday, because then they can relax all weekend, mess up the house, knowing it will be cleaned Monday.BUT....if I am talking to a woman, the best day would be Friday! If the house is cleaned on a Friday, it is just in time for guests and she has the whole weekend to do other things.So which is best? Well, I tell people if you are single or a couple without children and you entertain a lot, the end of the week is better. But if you have little kids at home that completely tear up the house on the weekends, well, the beginning of the week is better.I personally prefer Mondays since I have 2 little ones. When I have cleaned my house on a Friday in the past, I've regretted it and end up cleaning Monday anyway! But, it's up to you and your own preference!