Small Things You Can Do To Make Your Home Look Clean!

clean homeThe holidays are fast approaching, are you ready? Is your home clean and ready? It's funny, I notice that when I give estimates, the ladies want their homes cleaned before the holidays and men tend to want the cleaning done after the holidays, so interesting!I personally tend to clean my home afterwards but do focus on certain things to make my house "seem" clean! Here they are:

  1. Make sure the pillows on the couch are straight and tidy.
  2. Make sure all blinds are facing the same direction.
  3. Empty trash cans, replace trash liners and do a quick wipe down of the guest bathroom using a bleach product to make it small fresh and clean. Fill up the soap dispenser.
  4. Clean off kitchen counters of unnecessary items and wipe them down. (Again, with a scented cleaner to make it smell fresh!)
  5. Scrub out the kitchen sink and replace kitchen sponge with a new one.
  6. Windex entrance doors that have glass.
  7. Remove any fingerprints on the doors the guests will be using.
  8. Simmer cinnamon sticks and cloves on the stove top to make your home smell delicious and quaint.
  9. Dust and vacuum the rooms your guests will be in.

While I do sweep/vacuum the floors, I do my real scrubbing and mopping of them after the holidays, because the floors take a beating at parties. Most of the time, your guests will be hanging out in the kitchen, family room and using the guest bathroom. That's really only 3 areas to focus on!Don't forget, Kidwell's Kleaning can get your home ready and sparkling clean before and after the holidays. Call us anytime we can be of help to you!


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