Is it good to switch cleaning crews sometimes?

$_35Is it good to send different crews to clean your home?One of the questions I get asked from people calling in to inquire about cleaning service is “Will it be the same crew coming to clean my home each time?”  A great question to ask!  Well, for the most part it is, but every once in a while, it’s good to change things up a little.  While the customer may be hesitant about a new crew coming to clean their home, most of the time afterwards, I usually hear, “Wow, that different crew did a great job!” I think it is human nature to get into a rut when you are doing the same thing over and over, day after day, year after year.  When you add a little variety to things every once in a while, it adds some excitement.  New crews tend to your home from a new perspective too.  They will see a new house differently than a crew who has been cleaning for you for a year or longer.  So don’t be nervous when a new crew comes in for cleaning, because they might even do an even  better job than you favorite normal crew you are used to!


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