Leaving for vacation? Some things to remember to do!

Leaving on vacation? Don't forget to do a few very important things before leaving. It can be the difference between returning home from a great vacation or returning home to a mess. Here is a checklist to make sure you have your bases covered when you leave for vacation!-Turn your email responder on.-Unplug coffee makers and computers.-Turn off your water. (I've come home to a flooded basement before. ☹)-Turn up the air conditioner (but don't turn it off -- you don't want mildew to grow!)-Close the curtains/blinds.-Hold your mail/newspaper or have someone collect it for you.-Let your credit card company know you will be using your card out of town.-Clean out your wallet/purse so that you are only bringing what you need.-Pay all your bills.-Clean out the fridge of all your old food.-Take out the trash.-Consider hiding a key in case you need someone to get into your home for some reason.-Make sure there are no wet clothes in the washing machine.-Have someone to check on your home or have a house sitter stay.-Sprinkle baking soda in the toilets and sink drain for freshness.-Set timers for lights to come on.Lastly, call or email Kidwell's Kleaning and have a good cleaning done the day before you come home again! It feels so great to walk in from vacation to a spotless home! Or do what I do-I vacuum my way out of the house just before leaving for vacation! :)


Lessons I Learn from Cleaning


Are you moving? A must do cleaning chore!