Lessons I Learn from Cleaning
Cleaning Lessons - adjusting to change
Cleaning Lessons - or how to adjust to change
For some reason this week, I learned a big lesson about change and how we tend to be resistant to change. Even if the change is for the better, we still tend to be resistant to change.
This past month, we tried a new canister vacuum. It is really good, but, well, different. It is a little heavier, has a longer and sturdier cord and only has one attachment that works for pretty much everything.
When we first gave it to
, they did not like it right from the start, because, well, it was "different". We told them, please just try it for a week and then we will give you the old vacuums back if you would like. The old vacuums were a little lighter, had short cords and 4 different attachments that had to be carried around. So the first day, both crews came back and still did not like it. The second day, I didn't hear the crews say anything about it. Then by the end of the week, they wanted to keep the new vacuums. They loved the new vacuums!
Of course this made me reflect a lot. How much better could we be doing if we embraced change a little bit more? I realize sometimes change works out and sometimes it doesn't but I'm one of those people who hates change. I'm still traumatized because of the
we had to purchase a year ago! :)
Just a little something I had a chance to think about this week.