House Cleaning While You're on Vacation?

untitledI've noticed a trend lately-customers who want their homes cleaned while they are on vacation.  It's a curious thing since in the past, most of our customers would cancel their cleaning if they were scheduled the week they were going on vacation.  I started thinking about this a lot.  I myself always kick my family out after we are all packed and ready to go to do a thorough vacuuming of the house.  I send them out for a meal while I take an hour to do this. I love coming home to vacuum marks in the carpets and clean floors.  And even the week before, for some reason I start to deep clean my house in preparation of leaving.  I will clean the inside of the fridge, scrub the bathrooms, change all the bed sheets, etc.  I think coming home from vacation is like a new beginning kind of like New Year's!  You come home all refreshed with a new attitude and spirit and what is better than coming home from being away except for maybe coming home to a spotless house?  We would be happy to clean for you while you're away, even if it is just a one time cleaning!


Housecleaning good for your soul?


Cleaning on Monday or cleaning on Friday?